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Shiur History
מראה מקומות
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Shmiras Hasedarim
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Shiur is every day (Sunday-Thursday) at 3:50PM IDT (8:50AM EDT)
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Shiur History
  Shiur History  
Click the play button to view the shiur in the player above. Click the TorahAnytime link to download
Can't find a shiur you're looking for here or on TorahAnytime? Click Here to check the Youtube LiveStream history
Shmittah Series Part 16: What To Do With The Peels Of Shmittah

R' Boehm Shmita

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Shmittah Series Part 15: Making Smoothies Havdala And Daled Kosos

R' Boehm Shmita

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Shmittah Series Part 14: Throwing Shmittah Produce In The Garbage

R' Boehm Shmita

Monday, August 30, 2021

Shmittah Series Part 13: Ruining Shmittah Produce

R' Boehm Shmita

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Shmittah Series Part 12: What To Do With Shmittah Produce

R' Boehm Shmita

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

 Harav Boehm's Shiurim 
Click the play button to view the shiur in the player above. The audio button might not work
Hilchos Shmita Part 5 Finale!

Hilchos Shmita

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

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Hilchos Shmita Part 4

Hilchos Shmita

Sunday, July 25, 2021

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Hilchos Shmita Part 3

Hilchos Shmita

Saturday, July 24, 2021

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Hilchos Shmita Part 2

Hilchos Shmita

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

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Hilchos Shmita Part 1

Hilchos Shmita

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

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 Chizuk on the Parsha from our Roshei Kollel 
Click the play button to view the shiur in the player above. Click the TorahAnytime link to download
Sagely Secrets To Success

Rosh Hashanah

Harav Kallus

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Reason Why We Blow Shofar

Rosh Hashana

Harav Boehm

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Nitzavim: Selichos

Parshas Nitzavim

Harav Boehm

Friday, September 3, 2021

Where Is The Horse Zisha?

Parshas Nitzavim

Harav Kallus

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Ki Tavo: Elul, Erev Shmittah - B'Simcha

Parshas Ki Savo

Harav Boehm

Thursday, August 26, 2021

מראה מקומות
  מראה מקומות  
הלכות נדה 9

Hilchos Niddah

Siman 190 Kesamim


בישול עכו''ם ופת עכו''ם 17-22

Pas Akkum - Bishul Akkum

Pas - Bishul Akkum


טמטום הלב

טמטום הלב יורה דעה סימן פ"א סעיף ז' ברמ"א


טמטום הלב

טמטום הלב יורה דעה סימן פ"א סעיף ז' ברמ"א


טמטום הלב

טמטום הלב יורה דעה סימן פ"א סעיף ז' ברמ"א


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  Contact the Roshei Kollel  
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Contact Harav Kallus

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Contact Harav boehm

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Shmiras Hasedorim
  Shmiras Hasedorim  

Shmiras Hasedorim Payment will be available under the following conditions:

  • Watched/listened to the shiur every day

  • Learned every day for 1.5 hours the relevant sugya

  • Took the Chazarah test at the end of the month

  • And of course listening to Reb Yitzchok’s short shiur

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